Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Divine Interwoven

The discipleship conference in Philadelphia was outstanding. Rev. Lusk is a second-generation preacher as well as a former NFL player. He made the commitment that he would only play five years and then quit pro football to train for the ministry. He kept his promise. He took a broken-down urban church with 17 members and a lot of debt, and in 25 years (this is his anniversary) turned it into an inner-city ministry of powerhouse proportions. He impresses Presidents.

Their historic sanctuary seats 850. They have two services on Sunday morning. Communion was served since it was the first Sunday of the month. One of the Eagles coaches attended, as well as the state's first female (and African-American) judge.

Three hours went by like twenty minutes. The praise could have been a worship service in itself, as could have the Lord's Supper.

We brought a team of 21 (including three pastors) and trained about 200 of his leaders all day Saturday. They embarassed us with their hospitality and shamed us with their generosity. He has an urban ministry that employs almost 250 (People for People, Inc.), a welfare-to-work program, computer skills training, a charter school for 545 K-8 students, and much more.

Dr. Lusk feels like devoting more time to the church side of things, and that the presentation of our discipleship ministry is just the key they need. He described it in terms of bringing revival.

What a time. Thanks for praying. Continue to mention them before the throne for follow-up. We are scheduled to go to Phila. again in April for a conference at another church.


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Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you all were able to connect Pastor Lusk with Discipleship implementation. Sounds like your visit was mutually beneficial for both of you.

Keep the posts coming. If you blog it, they will come.

Anonymous said...

"mutually beneficial for both of you" --- gotta love redundancy